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Duke Nukem 3D: ReloadedKaufen bei
Duke Nukem 3D: Reloaded
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Genre: Shooter
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Entwickler: Interceptor Entertainment
Hits: 3245
“The King is back, baby!”

Utilizing the latest and greatest in technology and talent, Duke Nukem is back in Interceptor Entertainment's Duke Nukem 3D: Reloaded -- an Unreal Engine powered remake of the 1996 first-person shooter classic, Duke Nukem 3D. The muscle-bound, smart quipping action hero has returned, ready to kick more ass and chew even more gum.

“Damn! I'm looking good”

A faithful-but-fresh re-envisioning of one of 3D Realms' greatest endeavours, Duke Nukem 3D: Reloaded will invite players both new and old to experience the seminal action-shooter in high-definition. Memorable locations such as Hollywood Holocaust and Shrapnel City will be respectfully recreated with new and exciting vehicular sequences, non-playable characters, scripted events and all-new interactive experiences.

“Get back to work, you slacker!”

Every boot, babe and bullet hole will be made from scratch to take advantage of the expansive Unreal Development Kit. With a team of over 30 people dedicating their own time to the success of Duke Nukem 3D: Reloaded, you can rest assured that Duke will go boot-to-toe with the best of them. And what's more, not a single texture, tile or trimming will be outsourced -- it's all made in-house.

“Who wants some?”

Duke it to the death in multiplayer with classic "Dukematch", "Capture the babe" and a whole host of unique multiplayer experiences. Play as the likes of Duke Nukem, General Graves, Assault Trooper and Pig Cop. And with online multiplayer support for up to 16 players, there's no shortage of ass to kick.

“See you in Hell!”

Get a chance to test drive Duke Nukem 3D: Reloaded in the upcoming multiplayer demo. With 2 multiplayer maps, 7 weapons - including the Ripper, Shotgun and the legendary Mighty Boot - and 4 playable characters, there's no lack of opportunity to provide us with feedback on the forums and Facebook.
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